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Our school is found in the town of Montodine, a town with 3000 inhabitant, in the North of Italy about an hour from Milan. It is a comprehensive institution serving local children from the area aged between 3 and 12 years. We are a large school of 629 pupils . The children are separated into 3 centres: 3-5; 6-10; 11-13.
Our school is predominantly rural. The children at our school come from a range of family backgrounds, including single parent families, widened families, families with problems of alcoholism and foreign families that don't know Italian. Our school tries to fully involve every family, because we believe that the collaboration is an element of mutual growth.

22% of our students are foreign. We also cater for children with special needs and have 18 currently on role. 10 of these have specific mental disorders, one has audio-visual problems and the rest have general learning difficulties. These pupils have a special curriculum which is prepared by our counselling teachers.
At our school the children learn English and French, for which communications with other counties is very important.
We believe that participating in this project will create many opportunities for our pupils : they can improve body awareness and develop a greated respect for themselves; they can learn to choose healthy foods for thear health and be aware that eating healthy helps you feel better.
Thanks to this project our studens and our teachers will know the customs and the practices of some European countries and will meet and learn new concepts and information.
We believe that thanks this project our teachers improve their language skills, their pedagogical skills, their motivation and their ICT skill

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